Welcome! I’m Bridget White..

I intuit divine guidance and personal insight to connect people with their truth, soul & joy. I inspire, educate & live a lifestyle that heals.

Healing ~ returning authentic wholeness across all levels of body, mind and spirit, in relationship to both ourselves, others and the world beyond.

If your seeking healing, more joy, thriving natural health, inner peace, mental clarity & soul fulfilment, then perhaps I’m the healer for you?

People who I work best with…

  • find themselves living in a way that is not what they desire / dream
  • are stressed, overwhelmed, burned out & wanting to create change
  • seeking to create the best version of themselves
  • feel disconnected (anxious, nervous, uncertain, blocked, ungrounded)
  • are on an awakening journey seeking support & clarity
  • are experiencing any form of lack, limitation, fear, self-sabotage
  • healers & those with awakened spiritual gifts, looking for support/expansion
  • have experienced trauma, loss or accidents & need assistance
  • feel called for an energetic clean / re-alignment / balancing
  • are experiencing illness/health challenges who want to increase/regain health
  • have worked with me before & feel to do so again
  • anyone who feels drawn to connect with me

I work with individuals and groups in Kingston Beach/Hobart Tasmania. I also work worldwide online and I’d absolutely love to work with you too!

To rise collectively, I believe we must rise ourselves individually. I believe healing is our souls purpose & destiny, bringing everything of value into divine alignment.