About Me

Like most of us, I was raised amongst all kinds of abuse, toxicity and darkness, not enough to ruin me, just enough to get well accustomed to life’s shadows. My father was an important figure for me growing up, he was so grounded, often making jokes and keeping things light and was my stable, calm rock amongst many challenges. As a young adult I partnered up with characters who were unlike my father but reflected the challenges in my childhood. In my third relationship I woke up deep in this cycle, partnered with a psychopath.

I finally saw darkness, it masqueraded as anything but, I got safe and threw myself into devotion to self, healing and seeking light.

I began on my knees, with literally nothing bar my life endangered, 2 precious children, disconnected from my family and from myself plus the conclusion that my human self had absolutely no idea how to navigate life. I looked up & within and announced, this is not what I had planned, clearly I have no idea how to ‘do life’, tell me what to do, I’ll do whatever you ask. In that moment I handed my world over to a presence that I had little relationship with but felt could guide me 100% better that I could alone.

What followed was an undeniable string of synchronistic divine interventions which called to me to take serious major risks.

I took all of the risks without delay which worked out far better than my human mind could have ever coordinated. Looking back, this gave me my power back, as I continued to land on my feet, shocked but safe, supported, with everything I needed. I finally knew what I was capable of and how to move in this world, not from my mind, but from my soul, connected to my expanded self.

Over the following years I continued to live as guided, navigating more of my sovereignty and devoted to my healing which included attending many years as a client in a range of professional therapies, healing sessions and natural modalities along with nature time and exploring my own innate healing power. Subsequently I unravelled my childhood, released false programming, broke generational patterns, connected within and uncovered and embodied an expanding authentic deep soul alignment.

Looking back, as a little girl raised with zero religion or spirituality, I was aware of a presence far greater than what was commonly known.

Throughout childhood I remember closing my eyes and feeling myself as energy. I would say my name repeatedly and bring myself into a moment of self awareness. As a child, I was fascinated by feeling my energy everywhere. While this would alleviate the darkness I was experiencing growing up, I now know I was actually clearing my energetics and connecting deeply within.

In my 20’s I consciously began healing from my childhood with physical detoxing, familiar to me thanks to my mother who raised me with all kinds of natural health practices following on from her mother. I found further healing studying Visual Arts at my local Tafe and then advanced to a University Bachelor degree in both Visual Art and Sociology. I developed a successful arts career and was locally known, paid professionally and exhibited nationally. Looking back, art provided me with an avenue to express that which was within.. it was rebellious, feminist and questioned society as a whole. Around six years into my career, even though I was being awarded major grants and public commissions, I felt irritated and disconnected by what I saw as the art world’s ego and I kept thinking about careers in natural health. A guy I was seeing, who I thought was my knight in shining armour, offered me to travel Australia with him and as previously mentioned this turned out to be a highly abusive relationship with an incredibly charismatic, manipulative psychopathic, in which slowly I lost everything and at the very least, my arts career.

I escaped after 2 years to face an ongoing aftermath from connecting with such a character. My life was now both rich in serious challenges yet also rich in fate and synchronicity. One example was being unexpectedly awarded 100% custody of our son in the midst of child custody court cases he pursued. I had no substantial evidence against him and sadly I knew he didn’t want custody for sane reasons. My lawyer had said prepare yourself, he will get shared custody, likely as supervised visits. I realised how big this was and the traumatic effect this would have on our entire family. I also realised I could not control the situation and that the system was not going to protect us. I realised it was crucial to let fear go and to refrain from feeding the situation any lower energies. So I engaged very little with others about it and would go to court on my own in unfounded solid faith and trust. In any moment in which I found myself in any form of fear, I would stop and hand the situation over, seeing my son completely surrounded in protective light. Then one hearing, which was far from intentionally the last, he turned up via phone without his lawyer, representing himself and proceeded to rudely argue with the judge about everything starting with refusing to address him as your honour. Finally the judge abruptly slammed down his hammer and yelled “Enough, 100% custody to the mother, case closed!” I walked out in tears and with a clear knowing that we were protected, as this was far from the first serious close call.

He put darkness in my face, I used it to find my light.

Challenges continued with him working hard to locate me, then intimidating and threatening me in which authorities said they could do nothing about until ‘something happened‘. I refused for us to be his victims. I knew he was dangerous and had happened upon statistics that in Australia, one woman is murdered every week by a current or former partner. There were many signs and synchronicities pointing to take this very seriously. So I bravely took our lives into my own hands, trusted my gut and made a bold move. Overnight I completely disconnected from our life, where I had grown up and had solid roots. I told very few we were leaving and even less where we were going. I asked a close friend who would benefit if she would pack up my house rental, in return she could have everything and donate anything else to the local women’s shelter. I had lost everything years prior when I first left him so it was easy this time as I saw it going into good hands plus I had time to pack our essentials. Then I said to my kids… “who wants to go on an adventure..”, both excited I told them to pack there favourite things, we have one backpack and one suitcase each as long as you can carry them by yourself. My daughter only 6 and my son nearly 3.. we were quite the sight.

They had their suitcase’s packed with toys, lego, drawings, clothes and a holiday attitude.. I had my suitcase packed with my whole life and an attitude of survival.

In the morning, hardly slept with my life in a suitcase, no solid plan, financially unprepared with a mere four hundred dollars in the bank and a roll of cash from a concerned friend, my kids and I boarded a 25hr train south to Brisbane. I knew I wanted to go to Tasmania but I didn’t know how I was going to get there, yet Brisbane was in the right direction and I had an undeniable feeling that this will somehow work out. Only a few hours into the trip, a domestic violence service I had been talking with contacted me with an unexpected string of events that led to ‘making me a special exception’. “We don’t normally do this“, the lady said, “but we can book and fund your flights straight to Tasmania“. So the very next day I stood completely mind blown in Hobart, Tasmania, still with my roll of cash and $400 in the bank! I remember deeply inhaling the incredible fresh air, knowing not one person there yet feeling fantastic. Synchronistic blessings rolled in one after another, I kept lining up with everything and everyone we needed in circumstances that still amaze me. I officially changed our names immediately and created a whole new life in which we have been safe ever since. For many years I spoke of this to no one, yet I am now able to share, as I have learnt that he, my sons father, mentally unwell and clearly in a world of pain of his own creation, has been killed in a car accident.

Ten years after loosing pretty much everything.. twice, I began a new career path and pursued a Certification as a Holistic Health Coach.

In my 30’s and safe haven in Tasmania, I formally studied what I had felt calling me for many years, Natural Health in the form of a Health Coaching Certification with a non-government institution based in New York, IIN, the Institution of Integrative Nutrition. I was deeply fulfilled exploring all things health but then mid year quite rapidly I experienced immense personal healing while practically working with gut health and fermented foods. Many of my long term physical health challenges resolved. It was very exciting so naturally I stepped out into my new community super passionate with this work. I started with 4 ladies around my kitchen table which quickly turned into large workshops and a business called Wild For Wellness. I continued to expand my gut health knowledge and was devoted to increasing my own gut health. I travelled with this content and worked with hundreds of people across Australia sharing all I knew and had experienced personally. I continued to receive heart warming feedback and all kinds of self healing stories, so I continue to teach Gut Health Workshops today, in small groups because the work is important.

Community Gut Health Talk, Cygnet Tasmania 2016

More recently in my 40’s with a level of physical health embodied, I experienced an intense type of spiritual awakening. I experienced a spiral like string of dramatic synchronicities, energetic activations, deep triggering and ego death over the course of a solid year with a level of continuation over a few following years. I found part of myself and the life I had been living, slowly dissolving as I continued to experience all kinds spontaneous and advanced spiritual experiences. Effortlessly I deepened, while I felt like I was completely falling apart yet simultaneously connecting to a rich and fulfilling presence within. I began to intuitively just know and know at will. I received visions seemingly out of nowhere that later showed accuracy and meaning. I felt and experienced all kinds of guidance and support of new heights. I genuinely ‘felt’ much more, became highly sensitive, aligned in profound ways and aware of a multi-dimensional interconnection, that continues to naturally expand. I felt a solidifying zen-like inner peace, an underlying trust for life, just as it is and an all encompassing love that is unconditional and always present.

I was quickly guided to share my healing, clear connection and ability to see, hear and know intuitively with ease with others.

One day while walking past my local spiritual health clinic, I heard the intuitive call to walk straight in and enquire about offering my services. I was shocked, I felt completely unprepared and wasn’t at all clear exactly what I was offering, but I knew to follow this kind of guidance, so I went in. I told the lady at the desk I’d had a spiritual awakening and was guided to offer sessions that combined aromatherapy massage (which I previous experience for) with intuitive guidance and healing. She happened to be the clinic owner and practicing psychic who I later understood was not often on the front desk.. she looked me up and down, as if to read me, then invited me to join and work at the clinic, Earth Mother in Cygnet and asked me to begin with a session on her!

“Bridget creates a healing space that holds you in perfect Love. I felt completely safe, nurtured and cared for. The beautiful energy that Bridget works with is powerful and clearly from divine Source… This healing helped to clear fear-based blocks that I had held for a long time, allowing me to feel more confidence in my work. Thank you so much Bridget.”

Kathy, Earth Mother, Cygnet Tasmania 2018

Today, I am still offering intuitive healing although I have developed and transformed beyond what I could have ever imagined possible both personally and within my healing sessions. It is obvious to me, and others, that I really am able to clearly tune in, at will, to oneness and the soul level and articulate deep truth, energetic dynamics and positive ways forward. I feel ‘my actual work’ is to remain sovereign, follow my guidance and maintain plus continue to advance my physical health for a clear connected human vessel so I can continue to tap in and give voice and form to ones divinity, soul alignment, guidance and energetic light. It is now so abundantly clear that my entire life has been the ideal training ground for this work that I am able and here to provide.

Personally, my health, happiness and inner peace is priority and the foundation for all I am and do. My life is never dull, having that unexpected flow, yet I work on allowing, while remaining connected to the underlying harmony, which I appreciate and lean on along life’s way. I currently live in Southern Tasmania with my two blossoming young adult children and our adorable white fluffy dog. I treasure my healing room where I offer all my work, both in person and online. But first each day, or some days for the most part, I adventure outdoors amongst Tasmania’s spectacular wild nature. Even though we arrived from Queensland’s warm far north tropics, I have become very fond of cooler, seasonal weather and in recent years have adapted to regular cold water swimming, year round, in Tasmania’s pristine oceans. I am in love with all things real, wild, natural and authentic and am a seeker of truth, light and self empowerment. I am here to guide those who resonate with me, home within themselves.