Handmade Healing Goodies

” I absolutely love all the things you make Bridget.. they always have that something special!”

Marilyn, Kingston Tasmania

Aromatherapy body loving products all created intuitively with therapeutic grade essential oils and other organic and/or highest grade quality ingredients. Variation is a natural element so please contact me for current availability. Postage can be arranged.

Bath Salt Teabags & Body Scrubs * Energy Clearing Sprays * Body Ritual Oils & Crystal Aroma Rollers

Gut Healing Probiotic Tonic

If you’re looking for probiotic supplementation, these are the ‘wholefood’ version, the traditional, real living and premium option.

These tonics contain a wide variation of probiotic liquids from my home kitchen including many aged vegetable ferments, my tart kombucha vinegar & my living milk kefir whey (bioavailable calcium & protein). Rich in sour flavours offering a huge diversity of wild microorganisms that literally take up residence in you to build, protect & manage your health. Perfect for extra immune boosting and inflammation lowering plus of course replopulating your microbiome in a diverse way.

Extremely limited supply. Please contact me for availably, usually to be notified when a bottle is available.

Healthy House Probiotic Multipurpose Spray

I love this spray as do many of you. Made with my own blend ’Ancient Clean’ a combination of ancient cleaning essential oils of galbanum, cistus, rosalina, hyssop, laurel leaf. In active homemade kombucha vinegar & my probiotic lemon juice liquid.


“… Ohhhh the aroma’s in the products you make Bridget, absolutely divine!”

Suzie, Kingston Tasmania